Browsing by Subject "e-banking"

Browsing by Subject "e-banking"

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  • Fernando, M.S.P.; Weerasooriya, W.M.R.B. (Rajarata University of Sri Lanka - Faculty of Management Studies, 2021-06-10)
    After the industrial revolution, the world has become a frantic, industrious and a developed place. Technological intervention had both good and bad effects and both affected human activities by changing everything upside ...
  • Sahani, M.R.R.; Pushpakumara, W.M.P.G.R. (Rajarata University of Sri Lanka - Faculty of Management Studies, 2021-06-10)
    Due to high competitive situation in the banking sector, it is necessary to maintain and improve service quality, by providing technologically developed innovative service to the customers. Nowadays, banks are promoting ...

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