


Recent Submissions

  • Dhanapala, R.M. (Sandesha Publishers, 2022)
  • Dr.Keerthirathne, W.K.D (Dr.W.K.D.Keerthirathne, 2021)
    PREFACE Icucation Sociology is a major subject in degree programs and training rrler&rrs relevant to Education Science conducted by universities and higher =ucational institutions. Especially, students, who follow Master ...
  • Dr.Keerthirathne, W.K.D (Dr.W.K.D.Keerthirathne, 2018)
    In this book, the author discusses the constructive learning strategies in Th eravada Buddhist Psychology in comparison to constructive learning theory in western Educational psychology. constructivism is a meta theoretical ...
  • Dr.Keerthirathne, W.K.D (Dr.W.K.D.Keerthirathne, 2021)