Dhananjanee, H.M.T.T.(Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 2023-10-18)
This study explores the novel Bringing Tony Home by Tissa Abeysekara,
focusing on the chemistry between its linguistic and poetic structures and their
manifestation of the form-content relationship within the text ...
Samaraweera, S.A.P.T.; Najim, M.M.M.(Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 2023-10-18)
Greater Kurunegala Sewage Treatment Plant (GKSTP) plays a crucial role in safeguarding public health by removing contaminants from wastewater before
discharge. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a prominent fecal contamination ...
Wijesuriya, W.A.M.S.(Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 2023-10-18)
This paper discusses how internet memes related to ethnicity were used during
two significant events in Sri Lanka: after the Easter Sunday attack and during
Aragalaya. It is evident that many memes were shared online ...
Mathushan, P.; Jayawardhana, A.A.K.K.; Siyambalapitiya, J.; Fernando, P. I. N.; Amarawansha, T.G.A.H.C.; Gamage, P.G.M.S.K.; Premadasa, I.V.M. Nawamalika(Rajarata University of Sri Lanka - Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023-01-25)