Restructuring Tourism Economies to face the ‘New Normal’: COVID19 and Alternative Tourism

Show simple item record Samarathunga, W.H.M.S. 2021-02-15T17:35:51Z 2021-02-15T17:35:51Z 1/21/2021
dc.description.abstract Abstract COVID19 has made a detrimental impact on tourism resources, tourism markets, and tourism economies. Thus, the purpose of this working paper is to make a realistic assessment of impacts of COVID19 on Sri Lanka tourism and to propose strategies to face the ‘new normal’ through alternative tourism. Government policy documents, industry reports, newspaper reports, opinions of industry stakeholders were primarily employed as inputs of this study. The analysis is based on pragmatic reasoning that delivers realistic implications to recover the tourism industry in Sri Lanka during the post-pandemic period. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Sri Lanka Economic Research Conference 2020, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, en_US
dc.subject alternative tourism en_US
dc.subject COVID19 and tourism en_US
dc.subject tourism economics en_US
dc.title Restructuring Tourism Economies to face the ‘New Normal’: COVID19 and Alternative Tourism en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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