Cadra cautella and Corcyra cephalonica are economicallyimportant
stored-product pests. Mass culturing of these species is a
requirement to have them in sufficient numbers to be used in
experiments. While the diet has a direct influence on the development
and performance of the larvae and emerging moths, there are limitations
associated with the currently-used rearing media. The objective of this
research was to develop a suitable rearing medium for C. cautella and C.
cephalonica using readily-available food materials at the market. Food
materials were mixed in different combinations and the larvae were
introduced. Nine diets for C. cautella and ten diets for C. cephalonica
were tested. The eggs of a particular moth species were introduced into
each replicate medium. The larvae were weighed at 17 and 21 days
following egg introduction The total duration of adult emergence and the
number of F2 generation larvae produced by one adult moth in each diet
were also recorded. The measurements varied across the media used.
Honey and glycerol when combined with red-rice or rice-flour + riceflakes
+ dog-food integration gave highest performance in C. cautella.
For C. cephalonica, the best medium was honey and glycerol combined
with rice-flour, rolled oats and mung bean. Our study highlights the
successful development of new diets for efficient rearing C. cautella and
C. cephalonica using food ingredients readily available at the local