Abstract— A long term research was initiated in 1999
using medium term agro-forest trees in a shallow
Andigama series soils having a hard laterite gravel layer.
The present paper focuses on the growth and survival of
the medium term forest tree species planted in 1999 and
theirperformance by the year 2016. Acacia species had the
fastest (P<0.05) growth in terms of tree diameter at breast
height (DBH)during the time period (1999-2016) followed
byMacarangapeltata, Gliricidia sepium
andTectonagrandis. In contrast,Swieteniamacrophyllahad
the lowest (P<0.05) growth during the same period.
Further, Brideliamoonii had a lower (P<0.05) growth
compared to Acacia species and Macarangapeltatabut not
different from other species. Thus Acacia species,
Macarangapeltata, Gliricidia sepium andTectonagrandis
could be selected as better agroforest tree species for
medium term basis to be grown in hard laterite soils in
Andigama soil series Shallow Phase.