In the past several years the global concern on the environment is increased and it generates pressure on organizations to practice environmental-friendly management systems. The integration of Environmental Management (EM) into Human Resource Management Practices is known as Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) and it is an emerging concept to the Sri Lankan industries. For a sustainable progress of businesses in developing countries like Sri Lanka, GHRM is a vital process that must be implemented. In addition to that environmental conscious Sri Lankan hotels having a perception towards this new concept, but it is not clearly defined. The primary objective of this study was to examine the factors affecting to implementation of GHRM practices in scared cities hotels of Sri Lanka. Management Commitment, Employee Empowerment, Organizational Culture, Technology, Implementing Cost and Employee Perception was considered as the independent variables and implementation of GHRM practices was considered as the dependent variable. The sample was 71 hotel executive, middle, entry- level managers and supervisors were used to collect the data from the respondents. 100 questionnaire were distributed among respondents. The response rate was 71%. Respondents were asked to indicate their agreement or disagreement on the five-point Likert scale as the scaling method. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. The hypotheses were tested using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) and multiple regression analysis. The results of correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis explained that the management commitment was moderate positively and significantly correlated with GHRM practices implementation. A strong positive and significant relationship was found between employee empowerment and GHRM practices implementation. Technology was strongly correlated with GHRM practices implementation. It was found that organizational culture, implementing cost and employee perception positively correlated with the GHRM practices implementation. But considering the multiple regression analysis, those three variables are not significant at level 0.05. According to the findings, the researcher recommended to managers to consider the selected affecting factors to implement GHRM practices.