With the development of information technology and effect of globalization, every
business organizations have to face challenges and they have to attain organizational
goals within a competitive environment. This fact directly affects the apparel
organizations of Sri Lanka and they need to enhance organizational performance
through the effective job performance of employees. The culture of Apparel
organizations has been transformed into performance-based culture so apparel
organizations need to have employees who can perform at their full potential.
Considering Sri Lankan context there is no sufficient evidence to identify the effect
of competency on executive’s job performance. And also there is a scarcity of
published evidence related to the impact of competency on job performance of
executives in apparel industry in Matale district in Sri Lanka. Hence, thisstudy aims
at examining the impact of competency on job performance of executives in
apparel industry in Matale district in Sri Lanka. The independent variables were
knowledge, skill and attitude and dependent variable was job performance. Data
were collected using a structured questionnaire from 50 executives’ within apparel
industry inMatale district in Sri Lanka using stratified random sampling technique.
Hypotheses were tested using correlation and multiple regression analysis.
According to the correlation analysis results, there is a significant and a positive
relationship between knowledge, skill, and attitude and job performance. The
regression analysis results found that a clear positive impact of knowledge, skill
and attitude on job performance of executives. All three significant values are
below 0.05. Therefore three hypotheses of this study are accepted. Finally the
results of this study show that the competency of executives of apparel industry in
Matale districts has significant positive impact on job performance ofexecutives. It
was recommended not only for executives of the selected apparel industry in
Matale district and it is important for managers to identify the factors that affect to
build up the knowledge, skill and attitude, as well as very significant to HR
Department. Furthermore, this can use to make correct decisions, solve problems,
recruit right personand do other activities successfully.